Currently we have 5 options to process your payments with eCommerce. Two of those options are Stripe and PayPal. We strongly recommend that you use Stripe if you are going to do Paid Subscriptions. This post will change when I have integrated PayPal subscriptions into the system. Currently PayPal only does Invoice Payments and Product Payments. A product can be virtual or physical with shipping.
Alternative Methods of Payment
We have also implemented Cash App, Venmo and Zelle. If you have them set up, enter your information in the eCommece tab in your options panel. The way these work is a customer first pays you, then, you will create an invoice for them and mark it paid. The customer can then log in and check the status of their order. If you do not have these set up then do not enter anything into those fields. The application only enables these modules if you enter values into these fields.
Stripe Payment Option
Signing up for Stripe is easy as pie. Just go to register an account. You can click here to go directly to register so you do not have to look for it on the home page of Stripe. Enter your email, name, password and Country and you are ready.
Stripe Test Mode
When you first register an account you can begin right away in test mode. Here you can play around but you will need your private key and your public key. To do this go here if you do not already have keys then generate them. Then go to your options in eZbloo and enter those test keys in the right spot.
When you are ready you can turn off test mode at Stripe and get the real keys to put in your website options in your eZbloo system. As a side note, you can have both test keys and live keys. Remember to add your bank account and verification, otherwise you will not be able to get your money.
Add Products
Now start adding products and check your eZbloo system out. Go buy your product with a test credit card.The test credit card processing I always use is 4242424242424242 Exp 11/33 CVC 123 Zip Code 123456. You will see this transaction appear in your eZbloo system as well as Stripe. :-)
PayPal Payment Option
This process is not as simple in PayPal. You have to enter the following into your eZbloo system, however I am going to walk you through the process of getting this information.
- PayPal Email
- PayPal Client ID
- PayPal Secret ID
- PayPal URL
Just let me tell you that the PayPal URL is a drop down. This is how you go from testing to live within the eZbloo system.
PayPal Process
The PayPal process is a little more tricky than Stripe.When you are testing around you are going to be in what they call PayPal Sandbox. You have to set up a sandbox account here.
To Switch from sandbox to live mode in PayPal developers you just flick the switch.
While you are in sandbox mode you have to create an app.
You will see a box where you have to enter:
- An App Name
- Type of Account -> Mechant
- Choose your Sandbox email. If one is not listed you can make one here.
- Then click, Create App
Here is a snapshot of my PayPal App settings, just do the same with yours.
After that you can get your PayPal Client ID and Secret ID and enter them into your eZbloo system
Next Update
Other Payment Options
In the next #update I am going to include Zelle, Venmo & Cash App into the system. The reason for this is that those platforms are just for anyone that is on those platforms. So for example if you wanted to cash app me some money, you would have to have the Cash App to send it to me. In turn I would have to have Cash App to receive it. The same with the Zelle and Venmo. So I am just going to have a place here in the eCommerce section for you to put instructions for your potential customers on how to pay you. They great thing about this is there are no fees or minimal fees.